Developing trust and disagreeing


Scheduling and Cross-cultural perceptions of time was one important topic that we needed to discuss and it which we found numerous numbers of differences between our cultural. Me as an Italian I am very present oriented I tend to focus on what happens now, in the present rather than focus on something in which I think I have little control over. I tend to plan and schedule my dad and my weekly routine very carefully and I do not think about the future as much as other culture do. On the other hand, Germany is one country in which perception of time and scheduling is very different from Italy. Germany is a very future oriented culture they tend to focus a lot on the future rather then the present as they think that planning ahead will help them achieve greater success. I do not disagree with this statement, but I think that focusing too much on something that you have little control over sometime may just results in waste of time. South Korea and Ukraine are in the middle regarding cultural time perception, those two cultures have a lot in common as they both like to plan ahead but also focus on the present including planning daily and weekly, similar to what I do as an Italian. It`s a combination of the German and Italian culture and it works great for them as they manage to use their time in a very proactive way.



1)German:  Wasserflasche (Water bottle)

Italian: bottiglia d’acqua (Water bottle)

South Korean: ( mul byeong, Water bottle)

Ukrainian: пляшка води (plyashka vody, Water bottle)

English: Water bottle


2)German: Stuhl (chair)

italian: sedia (chair)

South Korean: 의자 (oija, chair)

Ukrainian: стілець (stilets’, chair)

English: chair


3)German: Sonne (sun)

Italian: Sole (sun)

South Korean: 태양 (Taeyang, sun)

Ukrainian: сонце (sontse, sun)

English: Sun


4)German: Mond (Moon)

Italian: Luna (Moon)

South Korean: (Dal, Moon)

Ukrainian: місяць (misyats’, Moon)
